Bloemendaal Young Plants privacy statement

19 January 2023

Your privacy is very important to Bloemendaal Young Plants, and we therefore comply with all privacy laws. This means that your data is safe with us and that we always use it appropriately. In this privacy statement, we explain what we at the website do with your information.

If you have any questions, or would like to know exactly which of your data we retain, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Where the technical details of a query, click, display, search or similar are referred to below, the following is intended: requested URL, IP address, time, HTTP referrer URL (sometimes including your search terms used in a search engine), user agent string, browser type, screen size and so forth. We do not check (even when this is possible) who is using which IP address at which time, and we do not trace this data back to you.

Bloemendaal Young Plants does not register any personal data relating to, for example, religion or faith, race or ethnic background, health, sexual orientation or preference, political affiliation, or trade union membership.

Viruses and safety

This website is regularly checked for viruses, but we are unfortunately not able to guarantee the absence of viruses that might affect the operation of your computer and/or software. When processing personal data, at all times Bloemendaal Young Plants maintains a level of security that, given current technology, is sufficient to prevent unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or loss of personal data.

This website may also contain links to other sites. Bloemendaal Young Plants is in no way responsible for the content or use of these websites, or for any consequences of visiting a website linked to by this site.

Contact and quotation form

The contact and quotation form enables you to ask us questions or make requests. We use your name, address and email address for this purpose. We do this with your consent. We retain this information until such time that we know you are satisfied with our response, and for six months thereafter. This allows us to access the information easily if there are subsequent questions.

Emails sent by Bloemendaal Young Plants

Information that Bloemendaal Young Plants sends via email is exclusively intended for the addressee. Any and all use of this information by parties other than the addressee(s) is not permitted. The reproduction, publication, dissemination and/or disclosure of this information to third parties is not permitted. Bloemendaal Young Plants does not guarantee the correct and complete transmission of the content of email it sends, nor the timely receipt of the email. No rights whatsoever can be derived from the information sent to you.


All copyright on the content of this website, namely all texts, images, software, or information in any other form, is held by Bloemendaal Young Plants. Information on this website, regardless of the form it takes, such as texts, images, or software, may not be modified, reproduced, transported, or distributed without prior written permission from Bloemendaal Young Plants.

Bloemendaal Young Plants's website

Bloemendaal Young Plants values the fact that you are interested in our services and have chosen to visit our website. Although the information on this website is always as accurate and up-to-date as possible, we reserve the right to make changes to text, images, or other information on this site at any time. No rights whatsoever, in any form, can therefore be derived from the content of the website.

Provision to other businesses or institutions

We will not share your personal data with other businesses or institutions, unless required to do so by law (for example if the police request it in relation to a suspected crime). 


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files in which we can store information, so you don't have to enter this information multiple times. They also allow us to see that you're making another visit to our website.

You can disable cookies via your browser, but this will mean that some things on our website no longer work properly. We have made agreements with other companies that place cookies. However, we do not have full control over what they themselves do with the cookies, so you should read their privacy statements too.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors use our website. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google, which contains strict agreements on what they are permitted to retain. We have not given Google permission to use the Analytics information collected for other Google services. We have Google anonymise the IP addresses.


Protecting personal data is very important to us. We make sure that the data we hold on you is properly secured. We constantly update this security and pay close attention to what might go wrong.

Amendments to this privacy statement

When our website changes, we naturally need to amend the privacy statement too. For this reason, you should always take note of the date and check for new versions on a regular basis. We will do our best to announce amendments individually as well.

Inspection, modification and deletion of your data

If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we hold on you, you can contact us at any time. Please see the contact details below.

You have the following rights:

  •     the right to an explanation of the personal data we hold, and what we do with it
  •     the right to inspect precisely what personal data we hold
  •     the right to have errors corrected
  •     the right to have outdated personal data removed
  •     the right to withdraw consent
  •     the right to object to a particular use

Be sure to always be clear about exactly who you are, so we can be certain that we're not that amending or deleting data belonging to the wrong person. 


If you believe that we're not helping you appropriately, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervising authority. This is known as the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Si vous êtes curieux de notre offre?

Demandez un devis en remplissant le formulaire de contact.
Vous pouvez aussi tout simplement nous contacter.